Friday, November 4, 2011

Thougths on Acts Chapter 1

I wrote a great quote about the book of Acts in the margin of my Bible. (But, I neglected to record the author’s name.) “The focus is not merely upon a God who is, but a God who does.”

Clearly the book of Acts sets the stage for greatest religious movement of all time. Christianity would sweep the world within just a few short years and it continues to be the life-changing factor.  Lives would be radically changed because of the Message that 12 men would start to preach and teach.  The message to the disciples/apostles was clear:   Go in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit and proclaim the Gospel throughout the World.

However, we notice in verse 11 that the disciples/apostles (like many of us today) needed a nudge to get moving as they stood and looked up into Heaven.  The angels asked a great question “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?” And they gave a great promise, “The same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven” (KJV)

The greatest evangelism campaign started with a promise – HE is coming again.  The disciples/apostles recalled the memorable words spoken by Jesus just a few minutes earlier “You shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost is come upon; and ye shall be witness unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and the uttermost part of the earth.” (verse 8)

I personally like the philosophy of the great reform preacher of the 1500’s … Martin Luther, who wrote: “I preach as though Christ was crucified yesterday, rose from the dead today, and is coming back tomorrow.”  This is the essence of the Acts chapter one.

*      Get a hold of God’s anointing
*      Go and share the Gospel with everyone
*      Get ready for His glorious return.

Is the Holy Spirit in Residence?

There is POWER in Acts 1:8…. It reveals a awesome force that a great majority of our Christian counter parts are missing in their very lives.   That is the very presence and power of  the Holy Spirit.   We find that God in his form of the Trinity allowed each personage of God to take on the role of a specific part of the human race.   God fortold itin Joel 2:28-32)

I.     God the Father planned our existence and salvation.
II.  God the Son willingly laid down his life for our salvation
III. God the Holy Spirit took up residence in our life, and keeps out the burglar. 
(I Peter 5:8 …  “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, about seeking whom he may devour)
A. The Holy Spirit stands there in the door and sounds the alarm and set of the warning (conviction) 
B.  Sealed us…. (Eph. 1:13 and 14)  This is the Holy Spirit give us assurance of God’s ownership of our lives.  He holds the deed to our hearts, until Christ return.  (II Corith. 1:21-22)

                Today I would like to talk about the Authority of the Holy Spirit to keep the Devil out if we will allow him.  The Holy Spirit is given three (3) specific task in the lives of a Christian.

1.Convict of Sin   (John 16:8-11)
A. Holy Spirit reveals the need
B.  Holy Spirit reveals the answer
C.  Holy Spirit reveals the way

2.Indwell us (I Corithians 6:19)
A. Take up resistance and living space in our heart
B.  Reveals things that should be thrown out
C.  Is always a perfect house guest… It is totally up to you.

3.Proclaims the Gospel through us (Acts 1:8)
A. Enables me to speak with Authority (Acts 4:33)
B.  Paul at the throne of King Harod.
C.  God gave the prophets the message, and power (authority)
     1.       Nathan telling David he Sinned with Bethseba.

          When we as believer allow the Holy Spirit the central place of our heart…. Allowing him to clean house of the dirt and cobwebs  some wonderful things take place.  We learn to:

I.     Be of Christ like Character (Gal. 5:22-23)
II.  Worship and Praise (Eph 5:18-20)
III. Submissive (Eph. 5:21)
IV. Committed to Service (John 7:37-39)

          If Jesus came to visit in your house were would you have him sit?   Outside, in the oldest and most uncomfortable chair, maybe on the floor.  Where would he sleep?   On the old roll away bed, On one of the kids beds,  maybe just sack out in a sleeping bag in the living room.  I personally don’t think so, he would sleep in my bed, eat of my best dishes, and sit in my best chair, and have the best of everything I have.  Except he can’t have the best of my heart ….. because that private and personal.

          Have you let him take up residence in your heart?

1.   He has the Authority
2.   He will give you that same Authority
3.   He will not force himself in
4.   However, he will always provide the great part of the experience.  You can never out give Him.