“The Men at the Cross with Christ”
Session # 3
Peter and the other disciples stood off in the distance!
Ok I’m taking some liberty here, the scripture does not say anything about Peter, or the other disciples being anywhere near the cross (except John who we will talk about next week). However, it is hard for me to imagine all of the other 9 disciples not wanting to see what is happening, not trying to come to grips with what went wrong. They remind me of many of the men in our church, active but hurting.
I. Peter
A. He had spent a great deal of time with Jesus as part of the inner circle (Peter, James, and John).
B. He had watched the miracles.
C. He had heard HIM teach.
D. He had made very bold statements.
E. He had denied Christ three times..
F. He felt like he had failed God.
II. The other 9 disciples
A. They had also heard HIM teach.
B. They had watched the miracles.
C. They had preached in HIS name.
What is interesting is, here they are now looking at the Cross; their friend, teacher, and leader is being crucified. They now struggled to question everything they had been taught, and they also wondered “What if I just had stood up for HIM more?”
III. Joseph of Arimathea & Nicodemus (watching in secret).
A. They stood and watched in secret.
B. They felt it best not to get involved.
C. They wanted the benefit but not the responsibility.
IV. Comparison to us today!
A. I see a church full of Peters, Andrews, and yes even Joseph of Arimathea.
B. We are scared of what our friends and family will say.
1. We read our Bible in secret.
2. We listen to our Pastor preach, and then don’t act it so we won’t be accused of offending someone.
C. We got our feelings hurt.
1. Someone in the church said something I didn’t like.
2. The Pastor doesn’t talk about what is important to me, he only talks about the Bible.
3. They feel that they are spiritual enough themselves, and they don’t need leadership.
D. What they really need is a Personal touch from Jesus.
Questions for tonight!
Where are you standing, when people meet you, do they know that you worship Christ?
Reflect on your own personal relationship with Christ, what will you change?