Wednesday, November 7, 2012

“Are we presenting HIM a Glorious Church?”

Ephesians 5: 24-28
Introduction: God is looking for a church that is going to stand and be able to minister to the Body of Christ and the community effectively.
        I.            Compassion for the Loss!
A.     Christ had compassion for the thief
B.     Philip had compassion for the Ethiopian Eunuch
C.     Our Missionaries world wide
D.     What is our compassion for our Community?

      II.            Clear understanding of HIS word!
A.     Reading it daily
B.     We need to understand what we believe, the foundational truths are called “Doctrines”
C.     Studying it with confidences (Sunday School provides this)

    III.            Concern for te Needy!
A.     Christ feed the hungry
B.     Nehemiah helped rebuild a city
C.     Who have we been encouraged to help?

   IV.            Continual communication (prayer)!
A.     Christ showed it importance in the Garden!
B.     James gives us a to how we pray …
·  James 5:15-18
C.     The apostle asked to learn (the Lord’s Prayer)