Monday, August 22, 2011

Daniel ... He was Faithful in HIS Manhood!


The back drop and foundation for this study is the Book of Daniel. The book is about a man of unique integrity, influence, and strength. He influenced a people, kings, and religious leaders. He was a man of conviction, with a loyalty to God that was unwavering even when confronted by death.
I would like to review four (4) key points of his life, not from his view, or even from Gods view, but from his contemporizes view.

            A friend of mine told me all the time! There is only two types of men in the world. They are not rich and poor, nor are they black and white, nor are democrats and republicans, nor are Baptist and Methodist. But they are!

  • Those that need a personal Relationship with Jesus (Salvation experience)
  • And those that need more of a Relationship with Jesus (Closer walk with HIM)

1      His integrity preceded him.

·         “Definition of INTEGRITY … firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility[1]

1st.                 Man of Honesty
2nd.              Man of Character
3rd.               Man of Consistence 

Choose not to eat the Kings/Worlds food or drink the wine!

2.   His relationship with God was visible

1st.                             People saw him praying
2nd.               People heard him talk about God
3rd.                            People seen him stand for righteousness

He choose to be faithful and pray, despite the knowledge that there was a law stating, if you pray to any God besides the King you will be thrown in the Lions Den.

He said … “I don’t about you, but I’m going to pray anyways”

3.   His wisdom was admired

1st.                 He stood with wisdom & interpretation of the Kings dream.
2nd.               He an awesome student of Gods Word
3rd.                He was not scared to learn
4.   His vision was contagious.

1st.                  Kings/rulers wanted to learn more
2nd.              People where willing to be like him

He had friends that stood up to the King … They would not bend, would not bow, and they would not burn … I know if Daniel was there it would have been 5 men in the furnace not 4…

5.    He continued in his faith (Christian walk)!

1st.                  With his family
2nd.              With his church
3rd.                Within him community


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Truth or Dare with God's Word ....

II Timothy 2:15 &II Timothy 3:16

Truth or Dare with God’s Word …

*      Do you know the Truth and our your ready to defend God’s Word when DARED at work, school or even in your own home.
*      Why do you believe what you believe? (Pastor said so must be so, mom and dad believed it, I read it somewhere in the Bible, etc.)

Identify the Need!
         What is important for me to learn today?
         Who is important for spend time with to learn from?
         How will apply it?

3 Things God wants us to learn

*      To pray with conviction for results
·         What do you expect God to do?

*      To be prepared and diligent in our study of the word of God.
·         There is a difference between reading the word and studying the Word of God.
·         Study to learn something new about Jesus.
·         Study within the context of scripture

Ö        Learn to use other resources:
x Bible Versions
x Commentary
x Early Church Writers

*      To present HIM (Jesus ALIVE) with out compromise!
·         Knowledge needed to defend or present your knowledge of Christ Alive.
·         Not just a heart knowledge but a head knowledge

This Church

Preached at First Baptist Church of Kennedy Heights
with Pastor Robert Harper

This Church

COLOSSIANS 1: 3 - 14

          The Church of Colossian represents many of the churches today around the world (INCLUDING THIS CHURCH). 
          They start out with strong foundations, sound teaching, and faithful workers.  However, over time the devil is given some lead way, the church allows others to lead them and difficulties arise.

          At the time God directed Paul to write this church, and talk about there good points and discuss their need.

          Today we are going to only focus on Verses 3 – 14 … looking at Paul’s challenges and encouragement for the THIS CHURCH

Would they say the following about this church?

·                  Church of Prayer
ü Jesus taught in the Lords Prayer that prayer is about
v Matthew 6: 9-13
v Exalting God
v Asking God
v Repenting to God
v Maudame Guyon a writer/martyr in 1500’s writes “All men are capable of prayer, and therefore this is dreadful misfortune that as a general thing almost all person imagine that they are not called to prayer, but we are all called to prayer like as we are all called to salvation.”

·                  Truth is Taught
ü What is the Truth … it is simply the “GOSPEL … GOOD NEWS”
ü Martin Luther the great reformer and founder of the Luther Church stated … “I preach as though Christ was crucified yesterday, arose from the dead today, and is coming back to earth again tomorrow.”

·                  A Faithful Pastor
ü Jeremiah 3:15 … “God’s man for this place, at this time, accountable for these people”
ü His Challenge is to
Ø Pray for you
Ø Teach you
Ø Challenge you
ü Your Challenge is to …
Ø Stand in his Shadow, Joshua stood in the shadow with Moses and God blessed him.

·                  Asking for more from God
ü What are you seeking from God
ü Are you seeking material blessing?
ü Or … are you seeking more of HIM in your life?
ü A fresh and a knew in your life.

·                  A desire to produce more fruit
ü Our Challenge is … BRING PEOPLE TO CHRIST
ü Proverbs 11:30 … are you wise.
ü Acts 2:20 …

·                    Sharing in the Rewards.
ü Are you storing up crowns in Heaven?
ü Are you sure you have a HOME in Heaven?

The Church that Paul Sought to Visit

The Church that Paul sought to visit!
Romans 1: 1- 16

We see that throughout Paul ministry he sought to go to Roman and preach, and God eventually granted the request … just not the way he maybe wanted or hoped. This first chapter set the stage for an awesome letter that has changed every Christian life!  Because it is here in Romans that Martin Luther so diligently sought and taught “It is my faith not works we are saved”
As we celebrate this 2nd Anniversary of this church, it is I believe fitting to seek God wisdom and direction. Paul is writing a letter to a young church with so much potential and setting the stage for a church that is going to change history.
He sought to visit a church that was …
v  Vs 8 …  
o    God is looking for a church that is going to speak to the nations!
v  Vs. 9 …
o    God looking for a people of prayer
v  Vs. 10 …              
o    Where is it you are willing to share …
o    Is this where Holy Spirit wants you to share right now?
v  Vs 11 …               
o    Paul, following his conversion only one thing on his mind, sharing his faith … What on your mind?
v  Vs 12 …               
o    Encourage others in their faith
§  You’re Pastor
§  Your Congregation, friends, and family
v  Vs 14 …               
o    Are you ready to share the Gospel … where ever whenever he asks?
o    Are you ready to build a church?

From Eating Humble Pie to Man of Integrity

“From eating Humble Pie to Man of Integrity”

Text: Book of Philemon!

Introduction: The book of Philemon introduces us to three unique men, different backgrounds, ages, culture, and even a difference in purpose in life. However, they all had something in common, let look at these three men! Some say that I have a wild imagination, the scripture don’t give a personal account of each the men character, or thinking … Here some of my thoughts!

1)         Omenius (Name means Useful/profitable) … “Walked away and had to humbly return!”
·         Slave/Servant … scripture is not clear! What is clear is that he was indebted to Philemon!
   I’m not staying here in this house!
   They can’t tell me what I should do!
   They owe me, so I’m taking their stuff with me!
    God Movement in his life … Early Church Father Ignatius wrote in 111 A.D. about the Bishop in Ephesus named Omenius.

2)         Paul … had to get to know Oneimus, and humbly encourage him!
·         Paul meets him in Prison! Wonder what his thoughts were?
   This kid is a punk …
   If he did that to my friend Philemon, what will he do to me!
   Why don’t he get it … it not that hard
   He isn’t like me, he don’t walk and talk like me! … So I don’t if I have time for him!
·         Paul to humbly agree to help him develop an understanding of Christ!

3)         Philemon had to except him back and humbly teach/mentor him!
·         I don’t know what Philemon was like as a Boss/Master … Task Master or Compassionate.
·         Couple things are clear when Oneimus returned the had some choices.
   Had to forgive him
   Had to move on with him
   Help him be accountable
   Help him learn the scripture
   Help him find God’s purpose

Tradition tells us! I’m not staying here in this house!
 Philemon was stoned while still serving in Colossae until the faithful end!

4)         God had to challenge them, that they could be used by him!
·         God has a unique calling for each man! Yet they are similar in a lot of ways.
   Challenge their Christian walk
   Challenge them to continue to learn
   Challenge them to follow him
   Challenge them to teach others
   Challenge them to be faithful until the end


We know that we are not doing God’s part, so the question is which are you currently doing?

   Are you like Omenius, need a touch and forgiveness for what you have done, and someone to step in your life and care?

   Are you like Paul, encouraging someone and helping them come to a personal knowledge of Christ?

   Are you like Philemon, leading and teaching men to become the man of God they should and can being?

God Give Me Time!

Message Preached Sunday (January 23, 2011) @
Milford Assembly of God, in Milford, Ohio...
By Rev. Don Allen, Jr.

God Give Me Time!

I continued to struggle with this message from the very beginning as God laid it on my heart, it didn’t make since, why now, why me, this is a message that Pastor Les should preach. However, In light of the news that I received at work this past Friday that a dear friend that I have worked with for the past four years, and have know for over 14 years passed away, my message that God laid on my heart seem more relevant than ever... I stood looking out the window talking to Diaz about our plans for the evening; he shared about the next Bible Study he was going to teach with his Small Group. I later even heard him on the phone finalizing the plan with the travel agency for him and his wife cruise to Alaska this summer. However, the plans stopped at some point Friday Morning … He had No more time!

Hezekiah faced the same dilemma BUT:
"Hezekiah cried to God GIVE ME TIME”...
Two texts for this message:
Isaiah 38:1-5 & II Kings 20: 1-6
Scripture tells us that Hezekiah was sick, and going to die. However, he cried to “God Give me Time” and God heard and he was given 15 years to make an impact. If God told you that you only had a certain amount of time what would you do?
What would you want to do if God gave you a short period of time?

I believe that my list would include!
1.    Serve God more faithfully than ever before!
a.    Read my Bible
· Henry Ward Beecher[1]The Bible is God's chart for you to steer by, to keep you from the bottom of the sea, and to show you where the harbor is, and how to reach it without running on rocks or bars.
· Find a quite place to spend time learning and receiving from God’s word.

b.    Pray and fellowship with HIM every moment of the day
· John Bunyan[2]Prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge for Satan.
§  Jesus taught the Disciple to Pray  1 One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” 2 He said to them, “When you pray, say:  “‘Father,[a] hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.[b] 3 Give us each day our daily bread. 4 Forgive us our sins,    for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.[c] And lead us not into temptation

c.     Disciple (Teaching) my family and friends
· Teaching them the things of the Lord …
§  I know some Christian that knows more about their favorite professional sports player, than about Jesus.
· Matthew 28 … 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

2.    Teach my Children about HIM
a.     Teaching them the importance of attending Church
· Hebrews 10:25 … 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
§  Important FACT … Monkey see, Monkey do applies to church as well as life … if you don’t find church important neither will your children!

b.    To have a testimony and what it should be like
§  Teaching them to walk the walk and talk the talk.

c.     That Sin is Sin, and nothing in the world is going to change it.

3.    To be a Witness (Soul-winner)
a.     Share the Gospel wherever and whenever I can
· Acts 1:8 … “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

b.    Do everything in my power to keep people out of Hell’s grasp
· Peter Kreeft [3].."The national anthem of hell is, "I Did It My Way."To be the True-Witness (sharing the facts with my)
· Proverbs 12:17 … “An honest witness tells the truth, but a false witness tells lies.”
§  Family
§  Friends
§  Co-workers
§  Individual within the church

2.    To see a Revival
a.     II Chronicles  7:14 … “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
b.    Charles Finney[4] … “"A revival is nothing else than a new beginning of obedience to God."
c.     When it comes to Revival I want to …
· To be a part of it
· To be encouraging in it
· To be faithful to it

3.    To Get Saved!
a.     Today is the day … No better time!
· God has given you this moment …Hezekiah, said “Give me Time” what you waiting for!
· How will you stand before God
§  Will HE know you or reject you?

My friend stood before God this morning, and his testimony was that of a true SAINT … God knew him and he knew God, and I know that today he sits in the very lap of ABBA, Father …

[1] Henry Ward Beecher, (1813-1887) … Prominent American Congregational minister. Son of Lyman Beecher; sister was Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
[2] John Bunyan(1628-1688) was an English Christian writer and preacher, famous for writing the classic Pilgrim\'s Progress.

[3] Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy at Boston College. As an author of over 40 books and a regular contributor to several Christian publications,
[4] Charles Grandison Finney (August 29, 1792(1792-08-29) – August 16, 1875(1875-08-16)) was a Presbyterian and Congregationalist figure in the Second Great Awakening. His influence during this period was enough that he has been called The Father of Modern Revivalism.[1]