Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mountain of a Man

"Mountain of a Man”

The nation of Israel saw a Mountain of a Man; and was defeated!
However, God has a plan to get the victory

Read the chapter I Samuel Chapter 17 ….

     I.          The enemy  has gathered for battle (vs 1 – 2)
a.     They are loud
b.    They are organized
c.     They have a plan
d.    They have a purpose

One Group our Atheist (Humanism doctrine) … recently read where a group Atheist where going protest outside of the Republican debate, because they feel God should not be a part of the American political system. Despite their failure to read history and understand the emphasis placed on God by our Presidents, here are some of the great quotes by former president;

·       “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.”  ~ George Washington;
·       “I consider a decent respect for Christianity among the best recommendations for public service.”  ~ John Adams
·       “The reason that Christianity is the best friend of government is because Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart.”  ~ Thomas Jefferson
·        “We recognize no sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus!”  ~ John Adams;
·       “The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.” ~ John F. Kennedy;
·       “You can’t divorce religious belief and public service. . . I’ve never detected any conflict between God’s will and my political duty. If you violate one, you violate the other.”  ~ James (Jimmy) Earl Carter, Jr.
·       “The foundations of our society and our government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country.” ~ Calvin Coolidge[1]

The other groups are religions … That feel it is their mission to stop Christianity from spreading around the world, such as Muslim, and some are false religions that have distorted the faith of millions, such as Hinduisms, Buddhism, and many more worldwide. The irony is this could also include some to the dead/faithless mainline denomination even here in American and around the world.

  II.          The enemy has fear on their side and it champion is larger than life.
(Goliath .. vs. 3 – 7)
Richard Dawkins a famous and self-proclaimed atheist could be consider a Goliath of our day, pastors, church leaders, and Christian in general coward when it comes to debating him.  They look at his credentials, his education, and his personality.
a.     The enemy is a formal and scary
b.    The enemy raised fear in God’s people
                                  i.     In America they are doing this through the legal system
                                ii.     In other parts of the world they are doing it through murder, and other hideous crimes like imprisonment, burning churches, and assaults.

III.          The nation of Israel (the church) didn’t want to challenge the status quoi
a.     Notice even his brothers don’t want him to challenge the status quoi (The Mainline thinking of the old church)
b.    We haven’t done it that way before
                                  i.     The church is frozen in a 1960 and 70’s time warp … It was good enough for grandma and grandpa, mom and dad … It better be good enough for YOU.
c.     We have to have a great warrior stand against him
                                  i.     The church is looking for warrior, instead of looking for a Servant of God

IV.          The youth (David) showed them it time to stand and use their talents
a.     He stood on the word of God
b.    He got five stones (why? No he did thought he would miss, Goliath had 4 brothers and he wanted to be ready)
c.     It is not the maturity (age)  it is the FAITH
d.    He (David) used his talents, the ability to use a sling (primitive but effective weapon)
e.     Noticed it is not the famous that is going to make the greatest impact! It is the willing

Heard a story not sure if it is true, but a great illustration:
A 10 year boy was flying from his Grandparents house, home and was sitting in the very front of 1st class. The gentleman sitting next to him, attempting to be nice asked him what he was reading the young boy replied my Bible I am on the story of Jonah and it is so cool. The gentleman replied I don’t believe the Bible is true, and especially that part about Jesus dying and rising from the grave, or that stuff about Hell. Young boy replied I’m sorry to hear that I do.  The gentleman then replied to believe Jonah going in heaven, and the young boy replied absolutely.  Young boy when I get to heaven I’m to find Jonah and ask him about the Whale, with that the gentlemen replied what if Jonah not in Heaven.  Without missing a beat the young boy replied, well when you get hell you ask him.
Sometimes it takes a child to make an adult speechless!!!!!

   V.          Victory comes to those that move forward in the battle,  and we see David doing that:

a.     I love history and one of my favorite generals to read about is General George Patton Jr … He had some famous quotes and I think that him and David would have got along great.
·       “Infantry must move forward to close with the enemy. It must shoot in order to move…. To halt under fire is folly. To halt under fire and not fire back is suicide. Officers must set the example” – General George Patton Quotes, from “War as I knew it” 1947
·       “You’re never beaten until you admit it.” – General George Patton Jr
·       “It is only by doing things others have not that one can advance.” – General George Patton Jr.

Questions as we close!
What is the Giant of a Man in your life is it finical, a relationship, is doubt?
What is your plan to defeat it, and who can you turn to for help?
Do you have the faith to let God handle it?

[1] Read more: