Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Crucifixion Story from Psalm 22

The Crucifixion Story from
Psalm 22

Psalm 22 is describing a pre-view to an event that would not happen for another 1000 years (this is called prophesy).
We see the fulfillment in the Gospels of the New Testament:
Matthew 27, Mark 16, Luke 23, and John 18 and 19 …

A preview to the Cross … Remember the Old Testament saints (Abram, Isaac, David or even Salomon) didn’t understand the concept of the cross, they only understood the concept of a needed sacrifice for sin such as the Goat, Ram, or Sheep.

John the Baptist called him the Lamb of God in John 1:29

    1)We see his suffering
a.   It all began prior to the Cross:
                                                  i.     The scourging with the Cat of 9 tails
                                                ii.     The Crown of Thrones
                                              iii.     The Carrying of the Cross through the city of Jerusalem …
1.   It is believed that the weight of the cross that Jesus carried to his crucifixion was over 300 pounds. The horizontal bar known as the “patibulum” had a weight of between 75 and125 pounds.

The horrifying death of the Cross
No other device has ever been developed to kill that is, as humiliating, painful, and mentally destructive as the CROSS! The Geneva Convention, the ACLU, and even you would never approve of this method of torture and execution. However, the Romans used it on a daily bases around the world, for criminals, terrorist, and those they deemed rebelling against the Roman Empire.
What is interesting is that the Jew’s were appalled by this method of death, and even argued not to have a Jew crucified on the Cross. That was until they wanted Jesus gone, and 1000 years before they did, God already described the events. We find the Jewish leadership and people crying “Crucify HIM, Crucify HIM” in Luke 23:20
b.  His physical pain
                                                  i.     The nails (both hands and feet)
                                                ii.     The lifting and sudden drop into the hole
                                              iii.     When on the cross
1.   When he dropped down/sacked he would suffocate
2.   When he stood up he would rip the hands and feet

c.   His psychological or emotional pain
                                                  i.     Betrayal of Judas
                                                ii.     Rejection of the disciples
                                              iii.     The hatred of the soldiers
                                              iv.     The shame of hanging naked on the cross
                                                v.     The darkness and feeling totally alone
                                              vi.     The bearing of SIN, which he had never known before.
                                           vii.     The forsaking of his father (the Grief)

d.  His spiritual pain
                                                  i.     The turmoil of God’s rejection of not being able look at his own son due to our sin, he was carrying to the grave.

    2) We see the testimony of the saints (vs 25)
a.   People will praise Christ for what he did @ Calvary.
b.   The thief believed and testified of Christ as Lord, in Luke 23:41-42.
c.   Notice the Centurion … in Matthew 27: 54 “This man really was the God’s son” (HCSB)

   3) We hear the repentance of the sinner (vs. 27-28)
a.   People of all generations will trust Christ as Savior!

Have you thought about what Christ did for you at the Cross?
Have you accepted his love and sacrifice that he provided at the Cross?

Have you made your reservation for a home in Heaven with HIM?