Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reflecting on my memories of 9/11 …

As I sit here reflecting back to ten years ago, it is hard to believe the horror and fear that swept the nation and world that morning. I sat at my desk here in Cincinnati, when my wife called and said someone flew a plane into the World Trade Center in NYC. I was in shock, and even considered that she was joking. However, soon I realized that it was no joke; it was the nightmare that hit to close to home. I remember standing with friends at work watching the second plane hit the tower, the Pentagon getting hit, and hearing of the plane crashing in Pennsylvania.  I remember to this day hearing the words come out of my mouth, “I wish there was something I could do.” God heard those words.
Three months later my family and I are visiting in NYC as a candidate for the position as Director of the Hope Center, a post 9/11 organization being put together by the Assemblies of God churches on Staten Island, to minister to the folks affected by that horrifying day. In May of the 2002 I would move with my family to Staten Island, NYC and for the next ten months would talk with people in person, and on the phone about that day that had become seared into their mind. I spent time at ground zero with a police officer that was only yards away when the first tower came down, watching people being crushed under falling debris and nothing he could do. I talked and prayed on the phone with a fireman that was at home in Long Island with the flu, who had called in sick that morning, realizing as he watched the news his engine company went into the tower and never came out. I spent hours standing at the gate of recovery zone, with a Salvation Army Major that had been one of the first counselors there to help counsel folks that morning.  For nine months I drove by Fresh Kills Garbage dump where the remains of bodies, and debris were separated remembering the smell, and the sights of watching the trucks pull away, stays clear in my mind.  I still talk with many of my friends, that were counselors at Ground Zero, as bodies were found, and responders needed to talk.
It has been ten years; I still hear the stories in my mind and realize that even with not being there in NYC on that day, it has affected my life in an enormous way.  Today I reflect on the memory, realizing that too many individuals were affected by an event that was motivated by hatred of a radical few. But that has affected millions around the world, even today.
As you reflect on today … 9/11 …
·         What is your memory of that day? 
·         As a Man or Women of God what have you learned from the event and the aftermath over the past ten years?
·         Has the nightmare of that day, drawn you and kept you closer to God than you were on September 10, 2001?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A couple of Blinds guys meet Jesus!

Matthew 20: 29-34
Luke 18: 35-43 & Mark 10: 46-52

(Debate … if these are all the same instance or separate events, either way the story reflects some awesome points about how Jesus interact with a couple of guys that really needed a touch from the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords)


Jesus didn’t happen by; he had a plan and a purpose and lives to touch! Jesus continues to walk by those that need a touch from him. The only criteria are to ask; now of course being a sovereign God he has the final choice to answer. And remember he knows the correct answer every time.  

1)                  People followed Jesus … (vs. 29)
a.       They wanted to hear him teach
b.      They wanted to see him do miracles
c.       They wanted to be feel his compassion

Are you among the crowd really following Jesus today?

2)                  A couple of blind guys with a need … (vs. 30)
a.       They had a physical need that no one else could meet.
                                                  i.      Remember a doctor can’t cure everything, but the Great Physician can!
b.      They had a spiritual need, that no one else could meet
                                                  i.      NO ONE can, could, or would pay for the sin of the world!
c.       They had to admit they had a problem
d.      They had to seek  a solution
e.       They had to asked for help
                                                  i.      Ask for a touch from Christ
                                                ii.      Ask for a spiritual touch (forgives of sin)

3)                  The crowd had an opinion
a.       Seemed self righteous
                                                  i.      They are not like us, look at them!
b.      No time for this stuff
                                                  i.      Why are we wasting time stopping for them
c.       No vision for the spiritual needs of others.

4)                  THANK GOD, Jesus listen and then meet the need
a.       He had compassion on the guys
b.      He meet guys where they where
c.       He healed them when they needed it
d.      He did it his way

5)                  The blind guys followed Jesus
a.       They wanted to hear more (they needed to be disciples)
b.      They had a testimony to share

Closing Question …

   Are you the blind guy’s needing a physical or spiritual touch from Jesus?
   Are you the part of the crowd that is interfering with Jesus doing the miracle, it time to repent?