Thursday, September 19, 2013

I can see the church today in this passage!


I was recently reading the story of David and Goliath, you know the story we all read about in Sunday school, Children’s Church, and did all the coloring pages on as kids. As I read this story for the, I don’t know 100th time, something new jumped out me. I was amazed at the comparison of how this story reminded me of the church today.

Read the story in I Samuel 17

1)      The father of David (Jesse) reminds me of our Heavenly father, as he sent his son to provide for the needs of his children. (David brought food for his brothers that were fighting in Saul’s army.)


2)      The brothers remind me of the family members in my life that have told me I can’t accomplish the task/goal or ministry that God has laid on my heart.


3)      Saul reminds me of the church leadership (pastors, elders, deacons, and etc) that have lost the vision to see beyond the four walls, or the current situation and have already become defeated with fear.


4)      Goliath reminds me of Satan and the obstacles that he puts before me and how I become so stuck on what he is doing, that I miss the opportunity to see God move in my life.


5)      The forty days reminds me of how the opportunities for ministry continue to present themselves to the church and individuals. As Christian’s we often miss the opportunity to take on the challenge and have to watch it manifest itself into a worse situation.


6)      David reminds me of the church member that is so Sold-Out for Christ that he is out to win every battle (challenge) that comes along though prayer, action, and the pure fire power of God. They are often criticized for their actions as being too aggressive and bold!


7)      The victory over Goliath and the Philistine army reminds me of the Victory that the folks within the church experience by doing God’s will and not their own.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Why or why do I need church?

Why oh why do I need church?

Hebrews 10:25 

Introduction: With our ever increasing workloads, kid’s schedule, and desire to just to be able to relax and chill, there appears to be a rush to drop things from the schedule that seem to be unimportant.  What I have often seen as the first to go is Church, and sadly it is the most important activity of the week. 

        I.            Why attend a Good Bible Believing Church?
A.      Fellowship: Hanging out and spending time with people that believe what you do
B.      Learning: Spending time studying what is in the Bible, and not just what mommy told you
C.      Worship: Giving God the praise for what he has already done for you
D.      Acknowledge HIM: Sharing with God your love for HIM
E.       Tithe: Giving so that we can show God our love, yet at the same time see HIM extend his blessing to us and around the world

      II.            Where do we need to attend?
A.      A church teaching the scripture as the Word of God.
B.      A church teaching the Gospel (Good News) of Christ.
C.      A church that believes in the Power of prayer.
D.      A church that takes us into a place of praise/worship of our awesome God.
E.       A church that brings me conviction about my sin, and encourages me to do right, not simply a feel good church.

    III.            How can we make attending church a Great Experience?
A.      Come with the expectation that God is going to bless me especially today.
B.      Come with an open heart to receive something from the teaching/preaching of God’s word.
C.      Talk and communicate with people (don’t just slide in, sit, and run)
D.      Pray with folks about your needs and there’s, listen for the praise report to see what God is doing.

It is time for Christians to come back HOME (to the church), it is time for Pastors to make church an experience people want to be a part of, and it is time for me to declare my faith in Christ without compromise