Monday, April 29, 2013

Coping with the Rain:

Coping with the Rain:
“Staying Focused on Christ in times of Crisis”

Many scholars believe that Job was a contemporary of Abraham and lived around 2000 B.C. at this time around the world we see other events happening and it is important to understand just like today the events in scripture did not happen in a vacuum:  
·        Stonehenge is believed to have been completed;
·        Farmers and herders traveled south from Ethiopia and settle in Kenya;
·        Horses were tamed and used for transport;
·        Bronze Age began in north Ancient China.
Our example today from scripture is a Great man of God by the name of Job. The book of Job is an autobiography of this awesome man’s life.  He is similar to many of us today; he had a great family, a good income, a wonderful relationship with God, and a desire to serve.
·        Crisis is defined as …. “A dramatic emotional or circumstantial upheaval in a person's life.” (in Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013)
·        John F. Kennedy stated …. When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.

·        It is important to understand that a crisis can be either a Fact (something that is proven true) or Perception (something that is a belief without evidence to support it) … However, in the individuals mind the CRISIS IS STILL REAL for either FACT OR PRECEPTION and has to be addressed and dealt with.

      I.            Crisis comes when you least expect it!
1)     Job did not expect the Sabean raiders to come and take his ox (Job 1: 15)
2)     Job did not expect the Fire of God to kill his sheep (Job 1:16)
3)     Job did not expect the Chaldeans to come kill his servants and take his camels (Job 1:17)
4)     Job did not expect the storm to come and take his family (Job 1:18-19)
5)     Job did not expect the physical suffering of boils (Job 2:7-8)
Job didn’t expect his life to be turned upside down, within a matter of hours!

·        What has been your crisis?
·        What has turned your life upside down?
·        The loss of a family member?
·        A financial crisis?
·        A relationship gone bad or on the verge of going bad?
·        Destruction of property?

·        Recent Crisis we have observed …
·        The Boston Bombing
·        The Waco factory explosion
·        The sudden and unforeseen death of loved ones here in our own community.

·        As with an crisis we often see Grief!
·        Denial … Rejection that it has actually happen
·        Anger … Often at loved ones or even God
·        Bargaining … If I do this …
·        Depression … Life is not worth living
·        Acceptance … Moving On

   II.            Crisis comes despite your relationship with Christ! (Job 3:20 … Yet Trouble Came!!!
1)     Job was called blameless and upright before God (Job 1:1)
2)     Job worshipped God regularly
3)     Job was accused by Satan (attacked)…
·        Does Satan have anything to accuse you of?
·        However, remember …. Not every crisis is an attack of Satan!!!!
4)     His friends attempted to help! His wife had an opinion!
·        Don’t attempt to psycho analyze what is happening to others.
ΓΌ   The greatest help that you give to most people in crisis is …
·        Sit quietly and listen
·        Don’t give the devil more credit than he deserves.

III.            Crises are overcome (dealt with) by addressing the issue at hand!

(Not ignoring what is happening in your life)
1)     I’m not saying you won’t go through Crisis, but you can overcome the devastation through your relationship with Christ.
·  Spending time in prayer daily
o   Maybe the Pastor/Preacher Reinhold Niebuhr had it right when he prayed (and is now often misquoted or used out of context)
o   The Serenity Prayer (The first part is often quoted by it self)

v God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.

·  Spending time in the word daily
·  Spending time sharing with others
o   Seeking Wise Counsel/Processing your thinking
v Woodrow Wilson wrote … At every crisis in one's life, it is absolute salvation to have some sympathetic friend to whom you can think aloud without restraint or misgiving.
·  Spending time forgiving
o   Forgiving those that hurt you.
o   Including forgiving God, for your perception that he hurt you.
·  Spending time seeking HIM (Christ)
·  Spending time moving forward
o   Too often we stay in the same place, with the same thinking, focusing on the same heartache, it is time to move.
o   Time to move with Christ, to the next great big adventure.
Job was looking for a Messiah (Christ) to take care of his hurts … He would have loved Romans 8:28

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

John 19: 25 – 27
“The Affection of Christ from the Cross”
·         We see his humanity
·         We see his loyalty to family
·         We see his provision as the first born
I have a question …
“Where are HIS ½ brothers, we know that Jesus had at least two (James and Jude), who would eventually become followers Christianity.
·         He fulfilled his role as the 1st born son! He took care of business!
o   Jewish custom said it was his responsibility to take care of her and if he couldn’t, he would appoint someone to do it.

o   Women (Mother) behold your son …
§  There is no disrespect in his words by the use of the term Women; it was common greeting back then, unlike today.

o   Son behold your mother
§  He entrusted her to his closest friend, the disciple who Jesus loved.

·         He fulfilled his role as Savior:
o   Even as the Messiah’s Mother (Mary) still fell into that category of ALL HAVE SINNED!

Revealing God's Love for Mankind!

Revealing God’s Love for Mankind!
John 13: 34-35
God loves each of us as if there were only one of us --- Augustine
It is one of the severest tests of friendship to tell your friend his faults. So to love a man that you cannot bear to see a stain upon him, and to speak painful truth through loving words, that is friendship. --- Henry Ward Beecher

Introduction: Love is clearly the central theme of the Apostle John.
 From the time he spent with Christ, to his discussion with the disciples, and the passion (love) he shares with the saints as he writes the gospel of John and the 4 other books.
A suggestion:
The Apostle John spent time with Christ, had many discussions with his fellow disciples, shared his passion (love) with the saints, and wrote the gospel of John and four other books to declare God’s love to all mankind.

        I.          John reveals God’s love is Real
a.      In our struggles

II.                  John reveals God’s love is unique for us
a.      Teaching us to love him
b.      Teaching us to love ourselves
c.       Teaching us to love others (one another)

III.                John reveals God’s love contains the tools we use
a.      To encourage one another
b.      To edify one another
c.       When we entertain one another

IV.                John reveals that God’s greatest love was manifested at Calvary
a.      Christ’s love was without reservation
b.      Christ’s love was for anyone that believes
c.       Christ’s love was for eternity.