Saturday, June 13, 2015

Study in the Book of Philemon

Study of the Book of Philemon:

The Bible doesn’t happen in a vacuum. View it the context of world history …

·        In 25 AD Han Dynasty Founded - After the death of Wang Mang, Hou Han founded the Eastern Han Dynasty. During this dynasty, which lasted until 220, Buddhism was introduced into China.
·        In 79 AD Mount Vesuvius Explodes-  The eruption destroyed the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Most of the cities' populations managed to flee, but 20,000 inhabitants were killed.


·        Written by Apostle Paul
·        It is considered one of Paul’s prison letters, written while in Prison in Rome around 61 to 63 A.D.
·        It was written to Philemon, a leader in the Colossian church
·        Key themes of the book are FORGIVENESS AND RECONCILIATION.

            1)      Greeting: {Philemon 1:1-3}
a)      Paul a Prisoner (notice no mention of his Apostleship or leadership role)
·   Paul …
·   The Missionary/Evangelist
·    Soul-winner (always bringing people to Christ)
·    Challenger
·    Exhorter
b)      Timothy, our brother
·   There was apparently a very close friendship within this group

            2)      Philemon's character: {Philemon 1:4-7}
a)      Paul saw Philemon as a man of character and faith.
b)      Paul saw him as a man willing to share his faith
c)      Paul saw him as a pastor/church leader (church in your home)
  d)   He meet the qualification of I Timothy 3

       3)    Philemon … The Pastor/Teacher
                a)   The Shepherd
                b)   The Teacher
                c)   The Mentor
                d)   The Soul-winner

4)    The others:
                a)   There is some debate to whom these folks are:
·   Some believe that Apphia was Philemon’s wife, and Archippus his son.

      5)    Onesimus change in character: {Philemon 1:8-20}

·        Very important note here: Onesimus was an escaped (runaway) slave that had stolen from his master: his actions where punishable by beating and even death!
·        Onesimus had an encounter with Paul that resulted in an encounter with Christ and the Holy Spirit, and we see II Corinthians 5:17

      a)   Love’s sake Paul asked: {Philemon 1:8-9}
b)      Asked Philemon for Onesimus who has changed because of Christ: {Philemon 1:10-13}
c)  Onesimus the Christian, servant, & brother even as Paul: {Philemon 1:14-17}
      ·   Wanted to except him as a Brother in Christ … Not the slave he is:
      ·   Except him as a friend
 d)      If Onesimus owes anything, Paul will repay since Philemon owes Paul his Christian life: {Philemon 1:18-20}

          6)    Onesimus … The Convert
                  a)   He was brought to Christ
                  b)   He was taught by his pastor
                  c)   He was strength in his faith by his church family

          7)    Paul's future visit: {Philemon 1:21-22}
                   a)  Paul wanted so bad to return to Colossi and preach and teach
                         (However, he would never get the opportunity)
           8)    Benediction: {Philemon 1:23-25}

Church tradition tells us that this former slave, Onesimus, would go on to pastor the church of Ephesus that his friend Paul had founded.

Life Application for Me today!

No matter my condition, Christ will forgive me!
No matter my activities, God can help me change them!
No matter my relationships, God can help me correct them!